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being conscious is the highest form of self love.

Laura Gevanter

the basics...

I am a PSYCH-K® Facilitator, an Intuitive Coach, Mastermind & Group Workshop Leader and Retreat Host.


I have a Psychology degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and Life Coaching Certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching in New York City. I have completed the Basic, Advanced and Health & Wellness PSYCH-K™ workshop trainings. 

in my own words...

Unconventional, curious, observant, intuitive, perceptive, intelligent, funny, playful, seeker, animal lover, edgy but subtle. I am always seeking ways to be more compassionate to others, animals and our environment.


I’ve been studying brain science, quantum physics, spirituality and the law of attraction for most of my life. Our inter-connectedness in both the seen and unseen is my passion.


I love beautiful things that arouse the senses and evoke a connection to the physical and non-physical, such as the aroma of essential oils, the sparkle of crystals, and music that affects the soul on a deep level.



 I’d rather inspire by who I am being and what I have learned from others, than from what I think or believe.



I consider myself a “quiet” rebel in that I don't follow the crowd and like to decide things for myself. 


I prefer to ask the questions that show you already have the answers, than give you my opinion.


I love people and deep connections and yet I am a true introvert who loves my time alone.




I can find humor in just about any situation.  As Joan Rivers said about herself "I think funny".



I love seeing things through the lens of a camera capturing the details that usually go unseen with the naked eye. Not so surprising that my father was a professional photographer, who taught me how to “see”.



I am a life long learner. I have the curiosity of a child and the wisdom of an elder.


I believe in authenticity and walking your talk.


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