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Experience the powerful combination of PSYCH-K® & Intuitive Coaching

Conscious Alignment Coaching consists of two highly effective modalities synergistically working together to give you amazing & lasting results. 

Click below for more information about each


Session Offerings

Clarity & Quick Shift Session

This single session is for you if:  



60 Minutes

$250 in-person or zoom remote.


  • You want to clear limiting beliefs around a specific condition or situation which keep you from having what you desire.


  • You experience stress or trauma triggered by an event (s) from your past. * may require more than one session. 


  • You have tried other modalities for transformation and have not yet been successful and are curious about PSYCH-k®.

What's included: 

  • An online pre-session form to help best make use of  our time together.


  • A 60-minute session of PSYCH-K® balances and alignment coaching.


  • Written recap of PSYCH-K® balances completed and  committed follow-up actions.


You will leave the session with: 

  • Clarity on what you want to create and what beliefs support you in achieving it.


  • Released resistance due to change of perception of stress triggers/fear. 


  • PSYCH-K® balances and alignment coaching, a follow-up action plan and a feeling of being more at peace.

Vibration Alignment 3 Month PSYCH-K/Coaching Package



Six (60 min.) sessions in person or zoom remote

$1350 paid in advance. Sessions must be used within 3 months

This package is for you if: 

  • You are someone with an on-going or deeper issue in their life and wants it finally resolved. 


  • You are working on a short-term goal or project or creating a new vision (health, career, relationship, etc) and would like to be energetically aligned and supported.


  • You have challenges with: insomnia /sleep issues, weight or health concerns, relationships, money, self-esteem/confidence, career or life purpose or overall life satisfaction.


What's included:

  • An online pre-session form to help make best use of  our time together.


  • Six 60-minute sessions of PSYCH-K® balances and  alignment coaching.


  • Written recap of PSYCH-K® balances completed, follow-up actions agreed upon for each session and recommended follow up plan.


  • Unlimited email or Voxer support between sessions.

After these sessions, you will experience: 

  • Released resistance from limiting beliefs through PSYCH-K® balances which will enable you to achieve your goals.


  • Transformation of stress triggers and fears from past trauma and experiences.


  • Clarity and focus on what action steps you need to take.


  • Practices to pivot stressful thoughts and contrast from unwanted events into your best emotional guidance system.

Align & Transform 6 Month PSYCH-K/Coaching Package



Twelve (60 min.) sessions in person or zoom remote. 

$2600 paid in advance (sessions must be used within a 6 month period

This package is for you if:

  • You have a longer-term goal or project which needs on-going support.


  • You have a few different areas you would like to transform.


  • You are seeking a career change, relocation, healing from chronic health issues or other areas which need clarity as well as consistent action and alignment.

What's Included: 

  • An online pre-session form to make best use of our time together.


  • (12) 60-minute PSYCH-K and alignment coaching sessions.  


  • ​​Written recap of each session, committed follow-up actions and recommended future plan.


  • Unlimited email and Voxer support for the 6 month period.  

During this 6 Month period you will:

  • Identify your desired outcomes.


  • Release resistance that kept you from achieving your goals.


  • Imprint new beliefs into your subconscious to get you aligned and support your vision.


  • Gain awareness of how to use your emotional guidance system for feedback on whether or not you are in alignment with your goals and desires.


  • Gain insight to contrast/unwanted situations and discover how to make them work for you


  • Achieve lasting goal realization through the consistent work of vibrational alignment.

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